Wednesday, April 07, 2010

The Divine Call

As many know I have received a Divine Call to serve Grace Lutheran of Lancaster California. Man, calls are tough business. St. Paul had it easy --
he is struck blind - visited by Jesus Christ Himself and told to go to Damascus - end of story. I'll let you know when the Call has been made clear to me. Thanks for all your prayers.


rev.will said...

Hey Kelly, I'll be praying for you. If the Lord leads you to accept, it will be great to have you in our district!
Paul Willweber

Pastor Leary said...

thanks Paul

Peter said...

Hope you keep up your blog at the new church

Naz said...

Please pray for my husband Yousef to heal and recover from pancreatic cancer and for our family salvation and add his name to your prayer group in church, Thank you.