A Toned Down Jesus First?
Anyone read the newest Jesus First publication? Is it just me or does it seem a might less biting that it did before the convention? I don't wish to speculate as to why -- just an observation. The cover article does make this good point - prayer for and about the elections that are upcoming in the next year -- the Lord of the Church will surely provide for workers in the harvest field. If you end up being nominated for service - please do faithfully consider this calling. Frankly, I am not the most ardent supporter as to the current polity set up -- however, that being said, the Old Blue Ribbon Task Force on Structure does not have my vote, either. What structure is biblical, confessional and efficient? Any takers?
PS - Notice the Jesus First Logo is to the LEFT???
I noticed the different tone too. Don't know what to make of it though.
Whenever I get this newsletter, I filed it in a green folder marked "Jesus First". I haven't read the thing for several years now. I keep each copy for historical purposes. I wonder what people will think of the newsletter in 20 years.
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